How Long Does a Root Canal Take - Laguna Hills Dental
Many people who have had the Best Root Canal Treatment In Laguna Hills think it is a painful operation. Because of the inconvenience of several dentist sessions for a single root canal, some people may have found it exhausting. However, not all root canal procedures must be time-consuming and difficult. The criteria that determine the length of each visit, as well as the number of appointments required to finish the operation, will be discussed in the sections below. Two Visit Root Canal Treatment A two-visit root canal is the most common procedure used by endodontists. The patient is sedated during the initial session, and the root canals are exposed, cleaned, and shaped using special needle-like equipment. Following that, medicine is inserted in the canals based on the patient's symptoms and the severity of the bacterial infection. The medicine may be antibacterial or may aid in the dissolving of nerve tissue within the root canals. The canals are filled with an inert substanc...